The creative processes of transforming drama to stage, film and television. A study of the collaborations and contributions that the various artists make to the process. Intended to increase the audience's ability to think critically about the artistic

An examination of the history, development, and current state of mass communication theory and its relationship to the ways in which mediated messages are delivered and received.

Course Description:
Basic principles of economics with a particular emphasis on the nature and application of those bearing on decision making within a household, firm or industry; including consideration of problems respecting the composition and pricing of the national output, distribution of income, pricing and output of factors of production and foreign trade.

MSU Faculty - Dr. Kenneth Brown

  • Professor and Department Head, Department of Economics

SWU Faculty - 

This course prepares the student to understand the economic structure of the United States and its place in the world economy, to interpret common economic measures, to understand the processes of governmental fiscal and monetary policies, and to evaluate individual decision-making from an economic perspective.

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